Will AI marketing tools take my job? No. And here’s why.

March 15, 2023

Ever since ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, the artificial intelligence (AI) tool grew to 100 million active users in just two months. It receives over 10 million queries per day and has become the fastest-growing consumer app in history. With its human-like ability to answer questions, respond to prompts, translate, predict responses, and even generate code, it is only natural for marketers to ask whether they will be replaced by a robot anytime soon. 

The short answer is “no” although it will truly be able to streamline your marketing efforts. Instead of looking at it as a foe, it’s time to embrace it as a friend. But ChatGPT is just one of many AI platforms on the marketplace that, when used intelligently, can have immense power and impact on marketers’ work. In this article, we’ll explore just a few of the ways such tools can help you.

  • Create original designs

We all know the critical role that design plays in any organization. From logos to brochures, event banners, online ads, billboards, and a whole lot more – creative, catchy, and original design is a must. It used to take designers hours upon hours and even days to come up with something unique and in line with their organization’s brand guidelines. However, with AI, it’s all about to change. Even though AI doesn’t and most probably will never have the creativity of humans, it can augment our efforts to improve the quality of the final product with greater speed. This means the work of designers can be streamlined and made much more efficient. 

A quick example of this is image generation and manipulation tasks. Hypotenuse.ai can create images of people, animals, objects, and even abstract art which are completely copyright-free. There are also AI tools that can turn photos into sketches or even paintings. You just have to specify the style you want. You’ll be able to upscale images and generate images of humans in new and different poses. All this is just a small teaser of the vast potential out there. 

  • Streamline social media efforts

The customer-facing side of social media sees users enjoying posts from friends and loved ones or reading tweets from their favorite sources. But the back-end of social media is a complex and interconnected web that requires daily monitoring and continuous updates. As much as it is an art, it’s also very much a science.

Some tasks that AI can help with is moderating content across all social media platforms. How does AI do this? Well, tools like Levity are able to search through all relevant data across all your social media channels, and then filter, tag, and prioritize based on your preferences. This can free up an abundance of time for your team to focus on higher-priority tasks.

But this is just one example. AI tools can also help you improve your social listening and streamline your social media ads, targeting better in terms of your ideal customer persona and your target audience’s location as well as when they see your ads, where, and how. This is done by testing your ad content before publishing and training your AI model with historical ad data for better results. In turn, this gives you the opportunity to lower your costs and get data-driven performance to improve your conversion rates.

  • Budget-friendly and optimized PPC advertising

Targeted and personalized ads are the bee’s knees in the world of advertising. But this takes effort, time, and of course monetary resources. Then there is ad testing across different platforms and audiences, which doesn’t come cheap either. Basically, you’re more likely to find out if your ad campaign worked in the end. And shooting in the dark is no marketer’s ideal version of a strong strategy.

This is where AI comes in. It can help with behavioral analysis and pattern recognition. There is also the ability to retarget audiences at the right time. The latter point is critical because it helps reduce feelings of distrust and annoyance. After all, hardly anyone truly likes being advertised to. 

Apart from this, you can feed your AI tool with a prompt, description, or parameters. You then leave it to the algorithm to create the most value for your money, while making adjustments in real-time. 

Then there is campaign performance. You can certainly do this the old-fashioned, manual way. But there is a smarter option: AI. It can optimize your campaign in terms of bidding and budget optimization, target audiences, create your creatives, and more. For example, it will be possible to predict your return on investment (ROI). It can gather data and insights in real-time and within seconds of inputting your data request. It can then transform unstructured and semi-structured information into practical, valuable, and usable data. 

  • Redefine content marketing

Blindly writing a prompt for ChatGPT by OpenAI to create a new blog post for you can backfire. Especially if you are monitoring your Google rankings, traffic, and other metrics. This is because Google can pick up whether the text has been written by a human or a machine. However, that’s not to say you can’t or shouldn’t use it at all. 

The very first thing you can do when creating content such as blog posts is to request an article outline given a specific prompt that you’ve provided, whilst emphasizing certain keywords. You can also plug in your brand’s style and tone of voice, interpret user intent, track trends, and set the foundation for truly outstanding digital content.

There are other tools that can help you use sentiment analysis that enables you to gain better insights into what content works for your audience. And in addition to this, it can help turn users into customers. Every marketer’s dream. All this, in seconds or minutes.

Concluding thoughts: Your job is safe but working with AI is the future

Even though the vast capabilities of AI have been merely touched upon and it has implications for much wider marketing efforts apart from design, social media, paid ads, and content, AI is here to stay. But if you’re worried that it will “steal” your job, you’re mistaken. At the end of the day, humans are the original and versatile creators and decision-makers and AI can only offer solutions that you can either accept or reject. 

Despite this, there’s no denying that AI can seriously improve your ROI, the customer experience with your brand, streamline your operations, get the most out of your marketing strategy, make better, faster, and more informed decisions, reduce human hours spent on repetitive tasks that can be automated, and so much more. Whether you’re ready for it or not, AI is here to stay. It’s time to embrace the future and use it to your advantage.

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